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August 9, 2019, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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Engagement Letter:

  • Sample report has been relocated as Appendix A;
  • Sample reports for review and audit have been revised for the August 2019 PEG release;
  • Added new sample wording for modified review report relating to the completeness of revenues from fundraising for NPO;
  • The sample report options now display an asterix (*) next to items that match those as set in the financial statements. By default, the options in the sample report will display what was chosen in the financial statements for the type of report (modified/unmodified), and opinion for both years including when prior year was completed by a predecessor accountant;

Engagement Report:

  • The audit and review reports were revised for the August 2019 PEG release;
  • Added new sample wording for modified review report relating to completeness of revenues from fundraising for NPO.

....along with other minor corrections and enhancements.

 Remember that Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative.
Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.


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