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Jazzit "What's New" Webinar - May 2019

Posted by on in Jazzit Fundamentals
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  • Home Menu:
    • Updated the appearance of the home menu;
    • Significant rounding differences are now displayed in the freeze frame for both 2 year and 9 column statements;
    • Redesigned the layout for rounding and column selection when 9 column statements are selected;
    • Added the option to unbold the current period column under the Column tab when using the 2 column with % statement format.
  • Engagement Report and Engagement Letter (sample report):
    • New right-click formatting (normal, bold and italic) available for the salutation and section headings (CSRE2400 review and audit reports);
    • Report heading format options are now available via a right-click menu;
    • Added the option to insert page breaks above section headings.
  • Plus more . . .