✔ Help Desk Support ✔ Electronic Letterhead ✔ Electronic Signature on Engagement Report
✔ Help Desk Support ✔ Electronic Letterhead ✔ Electronic Signature on Engagement Report ✔ Electronic Signature(s) on Letters ✔ PACT
Pricing and popular product options
We offer four bundles based on popular selections for various size firms. Your initial purchase of Jazzit Fundamentals (Jazzit) and future annual support costs are based on the number Jazzit licenses in your firm. A Jazzit license is required for those individuals who prepare or review client files as well as letter signatories (typically partners). These bundles offer you a saving versus a-la-carte orders which are also available.
When you purchase Jazzit, you are granted the right to use the product indefinitely for the number of licenses you purchased including support and access to updates to the templates for one year.
We also offer personalization options for Jazzit such as integrating your firm letterhead and electronic signatures. These are extremely popular given the trend toward a paperless environment and the elimination of preprinted letterhead. While it is more convenient to add these options at the time of your initial order, they can be easily added on at any time in the future. Future updates do not overwrite this personalization.
Annual support fees are calculated by the number of Jazzit licenses.
- Total Bundle includes Online Resources as well as Help Desk. We can also help you pinpoint whether an issue is related to accounting, CaseWare Working papers or Jazzit. Since Jazzit links to CaseWare’s various databases it is vital the file is setup properly in CaseWare.
If you are looking for purchasing options other than our bundle packages, please click the button below to customize your order.
Time to take a closer look at Jazzit
Jazzit is pleased to offer you a range of products including Fundamentals, PACT, PEG Compilation/Review checklists and PEG Audit checklists. We have created a playlist on our Youtube channel discussing each of these products in detail.
We would be happy to answer any questions you have regarding the products after you have viewed our product videos.
What training or online resources are available to help me get started with Jazzit?
We have a number of videos on our website for your staff to view:
- Have a look at our Getting Started area for videos and basic tutorials.
- View a number of bulletins and videos to help you with various aspects of your Jazzit experience.
- Visit our YouTube Channel and subscribe to be notified when new videos are posted.
We also offer educational training webinars throughout the year.