Focus on your Clients

Jazzit-Logo-Fundamentals-TemplatesJazzit Fundamentals is a flexible collection of templates for various entity structures:

  • corporations
  • partnerships
  • proprietorships
  • not-for-profit
  • PSAS

Automate your engagements using integrated:

  • financial statements / notes / schedules
    (formatting options)
  • supporting working papers
  • letters
  • generic checklists

Jazzit users told us that, on average:

  • their own clients' satisfaction improved by 54%
  • they reduced the time to complete client engagements by as much as 60%

slider overview demo



We are very proud of the ROI that our templates provide. By listening to our clients, staying current with accounting standards, and implementing innovative template design, we strive to have the best quality templates available.



"Jazzit was one of the best investments in technology our firm has made.“ 

CPA Practitioner, Kanata Ontario

"Profits were up significantly, and I know Jazzit had a lot to do with that. I feel better about the work that I do. We are more efficient as a firm.“ 

CPA Practitioner, Kanata Ontario

"I have been using CaseWare for many years and designed many of my own financial statements. As needs and programs became more sophisticated, I got tired of programming and discovered Jazzit. It's a simple program and lets me do the work for my clients, instead of programming.“ 

CPA Practitioner, Nepean Ontario


What's in Jazzit Fundamentals?     


  • Letter to predecessor accountant
  • Year-end checklist letter to client
  • Independence letter
  • Acknowledgement of independence letter
  • Engagement letter (CSRS 4200/CSRE 2400/Post-auditor Reporting)
  • Management representation letter
  • Risk assessment
  • Materiality guidelines
  • Summary of misstatements
  • Waiver of audit resolution
General inquiries and analysis
  • Understanding the nature of the entity
  • Account analysis with $ and % variance
  • Diagnostics report
  • Notes from review with client
  • Engagement queries
  • Client enclosure letter
  • Envelope addressed to client
  • Letter to lawyer
  • Management recommendations letter
  • Minute book review
  • Client invoice
  • Final checklist
  • Financial statements checklist
  • Considerations for next year
Financial Statements
  • Corporation, partnership, proprietorship, not-for-profit, PSAS
  • Engagement report (CSRS 4200/CSRE 2400/Post-auditor Reporting)
  • Balance sheet (transition, 1-9 column)
  • Income statement (1-9 column)
  • Statement of retained earnings / net assets
  • Statement of equity
  • Statement of comprehensive income
  • Cash flow (1-9 column, direct/indirect)
  • Notes (36 categories including generic)
  • Significant accounting policies
  • Schedules (20 internal and 10 external)
  • Key performance indicators (including graphs)
  • Management's responsibility for financial reporting
  • Bank confirmations (5)
  • Letter to accompany bank confirmation (5)
  • Letter with bank confirmation
  • instructions to client
  • Marketable securities (10)
  • Accounts receivable confirmations (5) & control
  • Loans and notes receivable
  • Prepaid expenses
  • Financial instruments
  • Property, plant & equipment
  • Reconciliation to UCC
  • Continuity of disposals
  • Intangible assets
  • Other non-current assets
Liabilities & equity
  • Accounts payable confirmations (5) & control
  • Callable debt
  • Accrued liabilities
  • Income taxes
  • HST/GST reconciliation (Quick & detailed methods)
  • Long term debt
  • Loan / lease calculator
  • Capital leases
  • Deferred income
  • Future income taxes
Income statement
  • Business use of home and vehicle
  • T4 reconciliation
  • Investment income
  • Tax payment schedule
  • Five period income statement with % working paper
Other templates
  • Comparative generic working papers
  • Five year generic working paper
  • Five column generic working paper
  • Five period generic working paper
  • Generic nine column multi-section working paper
  • Net worth statement
  • Generic programs & checklists ( 5 formats)
  • Bookkeeping letter
  • ASPE - reconciliation of retained earnings at transition date
  • ASPE - revaluation of property, plant & equipment
  • Add your existing CaseView documents to our additional working papers (20)
  • Create your own letters in our additional letter templates (20)
  • Create a letter from client to the accounting firm.


With the intuitive, consistent and powerful interface, you can easily streamline your preparation. Insert, sort and delete in form mode and on the fly to create the presentation you require.




Working papers share key information with the financial statements, notes and other working papers dramatically reducing data entry and transfer errors.

For example, the long term debt working paper shares the terms of the loan with the loan / lease calculator and the financial statement, including the balance sheet, statement cash flow and the long term debt.

Additional examples of integration in Jazzit Fundamentals: 

  • Trial balance to financial statements, notes, schedules, working papers, letters
  • Working papers to other working papers
  • Working papers to notes
  • Working papers to cash flow statement
  • Notes to balance sheet, cash flow statement
  • Financial statement schedules to balance sheet, income statement
  • Financial statements to letters



"We have a small practice, now our overtime is almost non-existent, even during the busy tax season. Jazzit has taken a lot of work we used to do and given us back our nights and weekends.“ 
CPA Practitioner, Elginburg Ontario



Changes to standards, data errors, calculation errors and human errors can wreak havoc on working papers.

Identify issues before they get to the reviewer. For example, Jazzit's working paper templates compare themselves against the trial balance in CaseWare, helping you make sure everything reconciles correctly.

The diagnostics report summarizes diagnostics on all working papers and notifies users of any available updates, which are available through the Jazzit Resource Centre.

jazzit screenshot diagnostics


Roll Forward

Imagine starting a year-end engagement with all of your data rolled forward from last year automatically.

Save a significant amount of time year after year by leveraging CaseWare's roll forward.



Jazzit map structure

Jazzit has a meaningful and simplified map structure. We incorporate the GIFI code in our map numbers. This provides a critical link between how your accounts are grouped together on the financial statements and the GIFI export to your tax program.  When you assign our map numbers the account's properties you know exactly which GIFI code is being added to your trial balance. For example, for the map 221.2781.15 (current portion of due to individual shareholder #1):

jazzit screenshot map



The key to updating Jazzit is the Resource Centre. By managing the templates in a centralized Resource Centre (typically located on your server) you are able to make changes to specific modules and deploy these changes to engagements as they are being completed.

The green strip at the top of any Jazzit template, except the financial statements, compares the version of the document in the Resource Centre to the one currently in the file. You can decide whether or not this specific document will be updated or not.

In the Jazzit financial statements, every statement page, note and accounting policy is individually date stamped. File preparers can identify which financial statement components have updates available.


Users are automatically notified when an update is available in the Jazzit Resource Centre.  This is shown on the diagnostic bar at the top of the Jazzit working paper or letter and within the home menu of the financial statement.

Once the Resource Centre has been updated, preparers are automatically notified of updates as they open Jazzit templates within the client engagements.


Jazzit System Requirements

Jazzit requires that you have CaseWare Working Papers installed. For hardware and software requirements, please refer to CaseWare's website.