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October 13, 2023, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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The modules listed below are dated October 13, 2023, in your Resource Centre JZUPDATE RC update control.

Remember that Jazzit Fundamentals updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all revisions made to the templates.

You must have CaseWare Working papers 2022 installed if you wish to update from the Resource Centre update control in KLIB and FRMLIB.


Need help updating?

Click the video below for instructions on how to update your Jazzit Templates.

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IS & IS2 - 2-Column And 9-Column Income Statements

  • The selected section heading for each section of the Income Statement is now retained on Update / Reload from Resource centre.


I1 - Client Invoice

  • The “Goods and Services Tax (GST)” and “Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)” wording used is now controlled by the province of registration in the Caseware Engagement Properties in the client file.
  • The singular “return” is automatically switched to “returns” when “quarterly” or “monthly” preparation is selected’


SC1- Income Statement Schedules With % Column

  • The section heading options applied in each schedule are now retained when the schedule is updated or reloaded from the Resource Centre.


SC6- 9 Column Income Statement Schedules With % Column

  • The section heading options applied in each schedule are now retained when the schedule is updated or reloaded from the Resource Centre.




to view the release notes for full list of new features and functionality
Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative.
Remember that updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.