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August 10, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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Here are some highlights from the August 10th update:

  • The Audit Engagement Report has been updated to include the post-auditor reporting (mandatory for year-ends on or after December 15, 2018).

  • The Engagement Letter (JZEL) and Management Representation Letter (JZRL) for changes included in the latest PEG release including post-auditor reporting in the engagement letter.

    With the exception of pre CSRE 2400 review engagements, all engagements should now be using the new engagement letter (JZEL) and new management representation letter (JZRL). The old letters (EL/RL) are being phased out.

  • The Audit Engagement Report now support the option to select between pre and post auditor reporting.

  • Additional working papers can be set to either Working paper or Financial statements formatting (adopting the financial statements headers/footers if selected)

  • The Financial Statements Checklist extensive revisions including: expanded number of columns, individual document sign-off, new comment and detail lines.

  • Please check our August 10th "What's New" document found in the link provided below for a complete list of updates.


Remember that Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.