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August 2019 Jazzit Checklists – 2019 PEG update available

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  • Simply move your existing Jazzit Checklist Master file(s) and Resource Centre(s) to a different location (you can delete these later if you don't refer to them in future)
  • Download new Jazzit Checklist Master file(s) and Resource Centre(s) 

Tip: Make sure you save the files you download in the exact same place as the old ones were so you don't have to revise Resource Centre paths.

For more detailed instructions about how to update your checklists using either the Quick Method or the Regular Method, download our Jazzit Checklists User Guide available on our support website.  Administrators will need the login and password to log into the support website.


Remember that an active PEG subscription from CPA Canada/Knotia is required for all renewals or new checklists orders.  When submitting the renewal for the firm, please provide the CPA Customer Number that relates to the active subscription.