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November 30, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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CaseWare 2018

Effective December 1, 2018, all updates and any new templates will be available in CaseWare 2018 format only. We will continue to provide support for CaseWare 2017 however if the resolution requires a template update it will only be available in CaseWare 2018.

Please be aware that CaseWare 2018 is only available as a 64-bit version. For more information on hardware/software requirements please refer to CaseWare's website at

Welcome to the November 30, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update release notes.

Highlights from this release:

  • The GST Services paragraph is available for both the Review and Audit in the Engagement Letter (JZEL)

  • Added a subtotal to the second property, plant and equipment working paper (CB)

  • Added the ability to insert a subtotal from last subheading in the Generic 9 column schedule (SC2)

  • Please check our November 30 "What's New" document found in the link provided below for a complete list of updates.


Remember that Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.