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Jazzit with Java - February 20, 2020

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Thank you for dropping by for a virtual cup of java with us. If you were unable to attend our online “Jazzit with Java”, we have made the video and slides available online at the links below.


Items we discussed in this webinar:

What's New

  • FS 9 Column - exclude the budget column from rounding
  • RC Update control - new filters
  • Home menu - return of the update buttons
  • FS Schedules - link to generic notes 
  • Resolving known issues with CaseWare 2019

Update on status of CSRS 4200

Did you know....

  • You can quickly add a page break into a text area from the form mode
  • Do you have old documents sitting in the recycle bin
  • How to copy 9 column statements from a master file and keep the column setup
  • Mapping net assets in Not-for-Profit engagements
  • Answer your questions on these topics during the webinar.