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January 31, 2020, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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Home menu:

  • Added a percent completion bar to the Admin tab of the Home Menu that will run when modules are updated;
  • In the 9 column statements, the column selection popup for 2 year notes and schedules has been replaced with a menu that includes options for Column Selection, Column Bold and Column Width 

Home Menu, 9 Column Balance Sheet, 9 Column Income Statement & 9 Column Statement of Cash Flows:

  • The budget column can now be excluded from rounding on the 9 column financials;

2 Column Income Statement:

  • Added the option to specify either the current or prior year (if both years are displayed) as the sort key for numerically ascending or descending sort;

RC Update Control:

  • Added a table filter to the RC Update Control which can cause the documents table to display only: "newest documents", "customized documents", "available updates" or "new master files";
  • Added a "Save and Exit" button to the RC Update Control;
  • Added a percent completion bar to the update process table that will run when the KLIB is updated; 

....along with other minor corrections and enhancements.


 Remember that Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative.
Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.


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