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April 24, 2020, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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COVID-19 report paragraphs and note disclosures:

  • Engagement letter and engagement report updated to included emphasis of matter paragraphs related to COVID-19 for both Subsequent events and Going concern.
  • New note categories added for Subsequent events and Going concern related to COVID-19.

CSRS 4200:

  • References to “Notice to Reader” as an engagement type have been revised to “Compilation” in instances where the “Notice to Reader” report is not directly referenced. This applies to all working papers and financial statement modules.

Heading options now retained on reload:

  • Heading presentation in the “Headings” folder will now save on reload in client files and does not need to be re-selected in the Resource Centre module after a Snackbar update.
  • A “Reset to default” button has been added to the “Headings” folder, which will restore Resource Centre selections in a client file, and will reset to Jazzit defaults when used in the Resource Centre.

Leap year option for February 2020 year ends:

  • A checkbox has been added to the “Short year” tab in the home menu for the option “Hide month and day above column headings even when they are different in current and prior year”. Selecting this option will remove the month and day from the statement headers.

Transition column in 9 column financial statements:

  • Added a message to the budget checkbox in column settings for the 9 column balance sheet indicating that users can right-click on the budget checkbox to toggle between a budget and a transition column.


 Remember that Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative.
Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.


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