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Jazzit with Java - June 18, 2020

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Thank you for dropping by for a virtual cup of java with us. If you were unable to attend our online “Jazzit with Java”, we have made the video and slides available online at the links below.


Items we discussed in this webinar:

What's New

  • COVID-19 report and notes disclosure
  • Improved working paper links in the Statement of Cash Flows
  • Leap years and February 2020 year end
  • New customization tools in the Engagement Report
  • Heading checkboxes and new administrator function
  • User interface improvements

Update on status of CSRS 4200

Did you know....?

  • Loan payments can be calculated based on term, rate and payment
  • The Generic 9 column with subtotals includes a function for custom running totals
  • An upcoming improvement to toolbox