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May 31, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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Welcome to the May 31, 2018 Jazzit Fundamentals update release notes.

Some highlights from this release:

  • Updates to the Engagement Report including section headings in italics and sample wording for qualified CSRE 2400 reviews

  • The Title page can now have a custom header (including letterhead) at the top of the page

  • Adjustments to the Home Menu including a printed warning when set to final with rounding disabled

  • The Five year Income Statement with percentage working paper can now be attached as a schedule to the financial statements

  • New note for investments in limited partnerships in Joint venture and subsidiaries

The modules listed in the link below are dated May 31, 2018 in your Resource Centre JZUPDATE RC update control document.

Remember that Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.
View the release notes for new features and functionality