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Jazzit with Java - September 24, 2020

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Thank you for dropping by for a virtual cup of java with us. If you were unable to attend our online “Jazzit with Java”, we have made the video and slides available online at the links below.


Items we discussed in this webinar:

The Good Stuff

  • That company name is too darn long, now what?
  • Automatically switch to “show all lines”
  • What are those red squiggly lines on the financials?
  • Copying notes between financial statements
  • Curing working trial balance vertigo

What’s Fresh

  • Congrats to Kristy (video contest winner)
  • David celebrates 10 years with Jazzit
  • Welcome to our new Jazzit Forum
  • Renewals can be paid online now
  • Virtual conferences