These are the thoughts, events and happenings from the Jazzit Team
Create a short video showcasing a day in the life using Jazzit. You can work solo or with a team.
Send it to or post on Instagram using #DayInTheLifeOfJazzit and tag @jazzitDude.
One winner will be selected from applicants. Videos will be judged based on creativity and content. Deadline for submissions is August 31, 2020. Winner will be selected by September 7, 2020. All partners and staff of current Jazzit clients are eligible to win. Please see below for full rules.
How has Jazzit impacted your practice? Do you get to spend more time out of the office doing what you love? Then show us your epic weekend adventures! Has Jazzit allowed you to spend more time on growing and developing your business? Then tell us your story! Be creative! Anything goes as long as it showcases a day in your life with Jazzit!