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Jazzit with Java - May 20, 2021

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Thank you for dropping by for a virtual cup of java with us. If you were unable to attend our online “Jazzit with Java”, we have made the video and slides available at the links below.


Items we discussed in this webinar:

The Good Stuff (tips and tricks to be more productive using Jazzit)

  • Group Cleanup for Assets Working Paper
  • Normal sign
  • Financial statement footers
  • Generic and single column
  • Generic two column
  • Generic three to five column

What's Fresh (we go over recent changes to Jazzit that you will want to see)

  • Show closing cash balance on marketable securities wp freeze frame
  • Newly organized addressee area on letters
  • Additional letters new home menu and open/close unused sections
  • Diagnostic when rounding to a zero balance accounts in the financial statements
  • CSRS 4200 management letter

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