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Jazzit with Java - June 24, 2021

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Thank you for dropping by for a virtual cup of java with us. If you were unable to attend our online “Jazzit with Java”, we have made the video and slides available at the links below.


Items we discussed in this webinar:

1. The Good Stuff (tips and tricks to be more productive using Jazzit):

  • Tips on updating Jazzit Fundamentals
  • Using CaseWare’s document library
  • Prior period adjustments
  • Use CaseWare's sign out if VPN is slow

2. What's Fresh (recent changes to Jazzit):

  • Balance sheet signatory name below the signature line
  • Numbering enclosures in the client enclosure letter
  • Notes to financial statements - keep together is gone!
  • Syncing your sample engagement report in the engagement letter to the financial statements

3. Upcoming Events

4. We Answer Your Questions