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  The November 30, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update has been released and is available for download.

Jazzit Administrators can find the latest release notes and downloads on our support site at:

November 30 Fundamentals update available


Posted by on in Jazzit Fundamentals

Final What’s New webinar for 2018 on December 6th



The video of the What’s New webinar held on December 6, 2018, contains the following topics:

  • New features and functionality introduced into the package during the September and November releases
  • Important notice about the Jazzit packages and CaseWare 2018
  • Tips and tricks
  • Q&A session


Jazzit What's New Webinar

Click image to view video
(Approximately 16 minutes)

Posted by on in Jazzit Fundamentals

Jazzit - What's New Webinar - October 2018


This video presents the major updates to Jazzit Fundamentals and the Jazzit Checklists as of October 2018.


  • Pre and post-auditor reporting
  • New engagement and management representation letters
  • Reconciling the amortization working papers to the G/L


  • August PEG update to the checklists
  • Setting global options in the checklists
  • Setting procedures to N/A in the checklists

Jazzit What's New Webinar

Click image to view video
(Approximately 26 minutes)


  The September 28, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update has been released and is available for download.

Jazzit Administrators can find the latest release notes and downloads on our support site at:


for client deliverables

Here are some highlights from the September 28th update:


  The August 10, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update has been released and is available for download.

Jazzit Administrators can find the latest release notes and downloads on our support site at:

Post-Auditor Reporting now Available