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October 15, 2021, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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The modules listed below are dated October 15, 2021 in your Resource Centre module JZUPDATE RC update control.

Remember that Jazzit Fundamentals updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all revisions made to the templates.

You must have CaseWare Working papers 2020 or newer installed if you wish to update from the Resource Centre update control in KLIB and FRMLIB.

We recommend Administrators revise the CaseWare year end date for their Resource Center (KLIB/FRMLIB) and Master files (GENMST/FULMST, etc.).

Simply open these files using CaseWare and under Engagement Properties, change the year end to December 31, 2021.

Jazzit Revising Year End Date

Need help updating?

Click the video below for instructions on how to update your Jazzit Template.

BS - Client Enclosure Letter, BS2 - 9-Column Balance Sheet, BS3 - Balance Sheet With Opening Balances

  • Added the option to include "(Net of accumulated amortization)" even when note is selected.


IS - Income Statement

  • Section indent selection is now maintained on update from Resource Centre.


IS2 - 9-Column Income Statement

  • Section indent selection is now maintained on update from Resource Centre.
  • When balances are set to "include schedules only the subtotal is now available for insertion.
  • Corrected issue with budget column appearing in Statement of Retained Earnings when enabled in the IS but not the balance sheet.


RP - Engagement Report

  • Added support for current and prior year when set to CSRS 4200.
  • Updated to support short and long description of CSRE 4200 in the document.


JZEL - Engagement Letter

  • Updated to support short and long description of CSRE 4200 in the document.
  • Sample report in engagement letter now uses the same font size selected in the financial statements. Can be set to other options in the letter.
  • Added support for current and prior year when set to CSRS 4200.
  • Letter switches from section 9200 to CSRE 4200 when selecting "next year" with year end after Dec 14, 2021.
  • Replaced the word "We", used incorrectly as upper case, with "we" in CSRS 4200 practitioner's responsibilities second paragraph.
  • The "Start on new page" button in sample report options now properly inserts page break above the report.
  • Removed duplicate commas in first paragraph when CSRS 4200 selected.
  • Corrected issue with wording of letter when set to providing tax return only (no financial statements).


JZRL - Management Representations Letter

  • Added page number in footer options to the document settings.
  • Updated to support short and long description of CSRE 4200 in the document.
  • Updated paragraph tags on sales commitments, receivables valid and inventories which corrected content in these optional sections.


CA - CB - PPE Working Papers, IA - Intangible Assets Working Paper

  • Corrected issue with sort by date when the right mouse menu is used to copy date from one row to another.
  • Corrected issue diagnostics appearing for group 1 incorrectly.


TX - Income Taxes

  • Increased all percent calculations to 8 decimal places.


YC - Year End Checklist

  • Updated letter to support switching to financial "information" from "statement" when CSRS 4200 selected in the FS engagement report options.


JZTOOLS - Jazzit Toolbox

  • Updated to support short and long description of CSRE 4200 in the document.


KP9COL - Generic 9 Column Note

  • Removed space in page heading when the "unaudited" or "See NTR" heading is not being used.


Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative.
Remember that updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.