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November 25, 2016, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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  The November 25, 2016, Jazzit Fundamentals update has been released and is available for download

Jazzit Administrators can find the latest release notes and downloads on our support site at:


November 25 Jazzit Fundamentals Update

If you plan to update your KLIB/FRMLIB using RC Update control template please make sure you are on CASEWARE WORKING PAPERS 2016 format. If you are not on the latest version of CASEWARE WORKING PAPERS, please upgrade before downloading and installing the latest Jazzit Fundamentals update.

If you would prefer not to update to CASEWARE WORKING PAPERS 2016 at this time, the last CW2015 (November 25 2016) Jazzit Fundamentals update is available only via a snackbar download found under the "Template Revisions" section of your respective snackbar.

We have spent the last few weeks adding great new features and functionality to the templates, as well as correcting a few issues that were reported since the last update.

The modules listed in the link below will reflect the date of November 25, 2016 in the JZUPDATE document in your KLIB when installing and updating to the latest release.

View the full list of new features and functionality