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March 29, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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Some highlights from this release:

  • Marketable securities working paper now automatically calculates realized and unrealized gains and losses on foreign exchange from the security transactions, interest income/expense and transfers in and out of the brokerage account;

  • The Letter to Lawyer ‘Share redemption’ table can now display as “Names within share classes” and the alignment of description cells has been set to the bottom;

  • Two of the generic checklists (JZPCA, JZPCC) now automatically skip Level 2 and 3 procedures if their respective Level 1 procedure is marked as “NA”;

  • And more.

The modules listed in the link below are dated March 29, 2018 in your Resource Centre JZUPDATE RC update control document.

Remember that Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.
View the release notes for new features and functionality