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Jazzit PACT Update – Mar. 28, 2024

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If you are installing Jazzit PACT or need help using the templates please refer to our online documentation.

The modules listed below are dated March 28, 2024 in your PACT Compilation Resource Centre PTUPDATE RC update control.

Remember that Jazzit PACT updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all revisions made to the templates.

You must have Caseware Working papers 2023 or higher installed if you wish to update from the Resource Centre update control in PACT Compilation KLIB.

for instructions on updating Jazzit PACT


TSEL6 - Trust Tax Services Engagement Letter

  • The name of the primary contact in the Caseware Engagement Properties can now be used to automatically fill the name of the primary contact in the body of the letter.



PTUPDATE - PACT Compilation RC Update Control 

  • Changed wording from “Snackbar” to “Update Directory” to reflect new terminology in Jazzit releases.


TSTL3 - Standard Transmittal Letter (T2 EFILE) 

  • Corrected an issue that was causing Additional Clause sections to not open and close with the global open/close buttons in the Home Menu.


PTT1ORG - Personal Tax Organizer

  • Corrected an issue that was preventing checkboxes from being ticked in the Deductions/Credits section.


Content Changes from CPA Canada:

TSEL1 - Corporate Tax Engagement Letter

TSEL2 - General Tax Compliance Services Engagement Letter

TSEL3 - General Tax Compliance Services Engagement Letter

TSEL4 - Partnership Tax Services Engagement Letter

TSEL5 - Personal Tax Engagement Letter

TSEL6 - Trust Tax Services Engagement Letter

TSTL1 - Standard Transmittal Letter (T1 EFILE) 

TSTL2  - Standard Transmittal Letter (T1 Paper EFILE) 

TSTL3 - Standard Transmittal Letter (T2 EFILE) 

PTT1ORG - Personal Tax Organizer

PTST1 - Personal Tax Checklist (T1)

PTST2 - Corporate Tax Checklist (T2)

PTST3 - Trust Tax Checklist (T3)

PTST4 - Capital Dividend Election Checklist 

PTST6 - Partnership Financial Return (T5013) Checklist

PTST7 - Registered Charity Information Return (T3010 Checklist)



to download the PDF of these updates