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January 22, 2021, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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Jazzit Fundamentals release notes for January 22, 2021 update


The modules listed below are dated January 22, 2021 in your Resource Centre JZUPDATE RC update control. Remember that Jazzit Fundamentals updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all revisions made to the templates. You must have CaseWare Working papers 2020 or higher installed if you wish to update from the Resource Centre update control in KLIB and FRMLIB.


Added an option to separate negative cash balances into bank indebtedness at gross by right-clicking on the cash map. Cash consists of as well as the cash note are also controlled by this option on the balance sheet.


New menu added to the enclosure letter which better organizes the template options in tabs. Updated double-click jumps in the body of the letter to move to the appropriate new location.


New menu home menu added to the enclosure letter which better organizes the template options in tabs. Options in the menu now state "linked" when linked to the financial statement setting.

Skip paragraph option added to right-click menu. Item numbering in paragraphs also retains appropriately on update.

CSRS 4200 sample report will now disable when Appendix A is closed using the folder button at the top of the appendix.

All section headings will now take input and can be renamed. Page breaks can be added above any section using the right-click menu.


Skip paragraph option added to right-click menu. Item numbering in paragraphs also retains appropriately on update.


Added an option for "No header" to the engagement report. This will also disable diagnostics for missing headers on the engagement report.

Spacing of the header on the engagement report will now save on update from website and reload from KLIB.

Salutation and section titles can now be set to skip print through the right-click menu. These will also remain visible in form mode when skipped.

Page breaks in the engagement report now use a single on/off switch per section, similar to notes.


Added an option for "No footer" to the index. This will also disable diagnostics for missing footers on the index.

A Custom text option has been added to the right-click menu of the Notes to Financial Statements line on the index. This will allow the text to be changed to any user preference.


Added an option for "No footer" to the title page. This will also disable diagnostics for missing footers on the title page.

Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative.
Remember that updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.


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