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February 2, 2018, Jazzit Fundamentals update now available

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Some highlights from this release:

  • The Title Page and Table of Contents can be combined to print on a single page;

  • Added option to globally insert/delete transactions in selected securities in Marketable Securities working paper (simlilar to PPE working paper). Also added the detail back into right column of broker statement when forex is selected:

  • Adjust the interest rate for each payment interval on the Loan Calculator;
  • Date line can now be to the right of signature line (instead of below) at the bottom of the Engagement and Client Representation Letter;

  • Prepaid Expenses, Deferred Income and Accrued Liabilities working papers now have 10 sections each;

  • Expanded the number of related parties to 20 in the Related Parties note;

  • And many more!

The modules listed in the link below are dated February 2, 2018 in your Resource Centre JZUPDATE RC update control document.

Remember that Jazzit Fundamental updates are cumulative. Updating to this release will include all features and functionality from prior releases, together with any corrections made to the templates.
View the release notes for new features and functionality