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Drop by our booth at the CPABC Spring Conference

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We are looking forward to seeing you at this year’s

pan pacific largeCPABC Spring Leadership Conference 2015
May 7 & 8, 2015
Pan Pacific Hotel Vancouver
300-999 Canada Place, Vancouver BC V6C 3B5  (View map to location)

Visit CPA's website for more details.

Jazzit is the proud sponsor of the

Driving Growth Through Innovation Seminar
Presented by Robert Tucker
CPD: 1.5 CPD Hours
Date: May 7, 2015

View the CPA full conference agenda.

Robert-TuckerIn this outstanding keynote presentation global innovation guru and bestselling author Robert Tucker will discuss his research into the essential best practices of the world’s leading companies. You’ll learn cutting-edge strategies from firms that are using Tucker’s principles to turn innovation into a powerful source of growth, profits and competitive differentiation. There are important new methods for making innovation a systematic process and you will learn proven methods to implement a superior approach to innovation – one that will enable you and your organization to enter new markets, win and keep new customers, and grow revenue from new sources. Tucker will explain how you can master new ways to motivate your team and cultivate a culture of innovation where innovation is everybody’s business.