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November 29 Jazzit Fundamentals update available

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Jazzit has released an update for Jazzit Fundamentals on November 29, 2013. Administrators please click on the link for the log of revisions:

The following updates are included in the November 29, 2013 Jazzit Fundamentals update:


Due to(from) related parties Note:

The old “Due to (from) related parties – Detailed disclosure” note had a Sort button which allowed sorting of the Related Party Transactions. A second Sort button has been added, which allows sorting of the Related party transactions section to moved to below or above the Due to (from) sections.

New feature added:

Allows for inserting a Note from a Financial Statement template in another CaseWare file (added to the options available in the Express Button right-click Menu options as seen below.

When selected, the User is prompted to selected the CaseWare file to copy the note from, select the FS module to copy from and the corresponding Note, in the selected Source FS is displayed in a comparison window and allows you to select “Replace”, to copy in the Note, replacing the Note in the Current FS.


GST/HST Reconciliation - Detailed Method & Client Invoice:

PST rate for Manitoba has been updated from 7.0% to 8.0%.