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Jazzit hits milestone of 5,000 accounting professional users!

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5000 users

We are excited to announce that we now have over 5,000 users of our Jazzit Templates! Jazzit opened it's doors in 2000, and over the last 11 years, we've delivered premium CaseWare templates to firms across Canada, helping with increased productivity, increased consistency across your firm, and increased customer satisfication from your own clients. We're very proud of our history, the intuitive workflow in our templates, and our world-class service.

We could do none of this without YOU, of course. Thanks for being our customer; we look forward to many more years of being your partner in our mutual success.

As part of our continuing journey, you'll see us rolling out a number of new changes at Jazzit over the next few months, starting with a slight name change (from "JAZZ-it!" to "Jazzit"), and our new logo. Hope you like it!