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CA Small Practitioners Forum 2011 in Banff (November 17-18, 2011)

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We were able to sit in on Ray Mack's "Technology & Productivity Update" on Thursday to get an overview of what has been going on in the tech world including 3D printing! Ray always provides the audience with great tips (including back up your stuff) and iPad/ iPhone apps. worth checking out.

On Friday we sat in on an excellent two hour Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) presentation by Bob Young, FCA. Bob covered several more complex areas including the applications of ASPE for business combinations, employee benefits, and accounting for various hedging contracts. He also discussed required financial statement disclosures with examples. A very practical and useful presentation.

Congratulations to Leo Kelly who won an iPod Nano at the C.A. Small Practitioners' Forum 2011 in Banff.