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Posted by on in Jazzit Updates

Jazzit has released an update for Jazzit Fundamentals on April 13, 2012.  Administrators please click on the link for the log of revisions. 

The April 13, 2012 build for Jazzit Fundamentals includes our popular generic checklists.  There are four different checklists Administrators can copy and add content to:

  1. 1. Checklist with Y/N & checkmark          2. Checklist with checkmark and initials         
  2. 3. Checklist with Y/N and initials              4. Checklist with multiple Y/N columns

These generic checklists are ideal for creating procedures for T1 engagements, firm administrative tasks, or any other unique engagement.  Note the Administrators can access both the form and design mode for these checklists using the Jazzit Fundamentals Administrator password.

Hits: 268571

Jazzit has released an update on March 19, 2012 for the CPEM Review and Audit Checklists for the December 2011 CPEM revisions which were provided to template developers on March 16.  Administrators please click on the revision logs to see the changes:

Review log: 

Audit log:

If you require assistance in updating your Jazzit Checklists please click on the following link: Updating Jazzit Checklists

Hits: 157548
Posted by on in Jazzit Updates

Jazzit has released an update for Jazzit Fundamentals on March 9, 2012.  Administrators please click on the link for the log of revisions.

On March 9th we added a new working paper to Jazzit Fundamentals to analyze business use of home and vehicle (JZBUHV).  This template includes an area to calculate automotive expenses on a per km basis as well as expense groups which can have a specified percentage of the total deducted for personal use.

Hits: 76148
Posted by on in Jazzit Updates

Jazzit has released an update on February 16, 2012 for the Jazzit Fundamentals now available for download.  

Included in this update is a new template (JZQS) for engagement queries.  This template allows the reviewer to quickly note outstanding queries on key areas of the file and trial balance accounts.  Sections are flagged in red when there are outstanding queries.  We have also responded to client requests and added the option to carry balances forward indefinitely in the prepaid expenses and deferred income working papers.  Simply leave the starting and ending balances blank to carry the amount paid/received forward to the next year

Hits: 759117
Posted by on in Jazzit Updates

Jazzit has released an update on December 2, 2011 for the Jazzit Checklists (CPEM Audit) for the September 2011 CPEM revisions.  This update includes nine new templates and updates to forty-one other checklists.  All checklists now support 2x click to alternate between Y/N/NA/Blank for faster completion.

Hits: 43070