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Posted by on in Jazzit Updates

Jazzit has released an update for Jazzit Fundamentals on February 20, 2015. Administrators please click on the link for the log of revisions:


Check out out new Jazzit Diagnostics Report video!


Thanks to everyone who sent in their feedback to us. The following updates are included in the February 20, 2015 Jazzit Fundamentals update:

TC Table of Contents

You now have the ability to insert manual lines in the Table of Contents




K3A Significant Accounting Policies Note

We have added a new setting which allows significant accounting policies to be displayed with letters. There is now also the option to have bold without underlining.




IS2 9 Column Income Statement

We have added a separate column selection for Net Assets Format B in the 9 column Income Statement. Note that the format will default to the main statement column selection panel if nothing is different.




KD Marketable Securities Note

Now if the note is set to "Cost", Fair Market Value is now shown in the line items.




KJ Related Parties Transactions Note

Individually select related parties in the Related Parties Transactions area.



EL Engagement Letter

We have added page break options in the express buttons of all input paragraphs.





Posted by on in Jazzit Updates

Jazzit has released an update for Jazzit Fundamentals on January 16, 2015. Administrators please click on the link for the log of revisions:


Remember to check out our 9 Column Implementation Video!


Thanks to everyone who sent in their feedback to us. The following updates are included in the January 16, 2015 Jazzit Fundamentals update:


9 Column Balance Sheet

A new format option has been added, which enables users to select between the regular balance sheet presentation and the PSAB (Public Sector Accounting Board) presentation. This is available for both classified and unclassified options.




Added support for listing 3 funds as rows when the following is true:

  • Structure is set to Not-For-Profit.
  • Format C is selected in the net assets statement.
  • Only the Current Year and Prior Year columns are selected in the balance sheet.


Income Statement

Added an optional description for the subtotal after fees. For it to appear, the subtotal must be set to print, by the switch to the far right of the line.


Statement of Cash Flow

Added note references to all lines in the direct method calculation. Click on the note reference to jump to the corresponding note.



Loan Calculator

Added the ability to specify a loan amortization period which extends beyond the loan maturity date. A warning has been added if the amortization period is prior to the maturity date.



Engagement Letter

Added "Title of Owner(s)" and "Number of Owner(s)" to the letter options. Also added requested single/plural shareholder wording.


Description of Business Note

Added the ability to change the tense of the default description of business note. Also added the ability to date when the company was incorporated.

Hits: 10764

Jazzit has released an update on December 4, 2014 for the CGA Audit and CGA Review Checklists for the November 2014 PPM revisions. Administrators please click on the revision logs to see the changes:

Audit log:

Review log:

If you require assistance in updating your Jazzit Checklists please click on the following link: Updating Jazzit

Hits: 25296
Posted by on in Jazzit Updates

Jazzit has released an update for Jazzit Fundamentals on November 28, 2014. Administrators please click on the link for the log of revisions:


Remember to check out our 9 Column Implementation Video!


Thanks to everyone who sent in their feedback to us. The following updates are included in the November 28, 2014 Jazzit Fundamentals update:


CP Financial Statement Home Menu

Added a gross profit show/hide switch under page options for the 9 column statements. Note: gross profit % is only for CY/PY total columns.



CF2 9 Column Cash Flow Statement

Added ability to enable/disable page break above to the following section heading cells: Operating activities, Investing activities, Financing activities, and Other cash flow items.



JZDIAG Diagnostics Report & RL Client Representation Letter

Added diagnostic for when the client representation letter is dated later than the engagement report.


JZLAMORT Loan Calculator

Added support for zero interest loans.



IS2 9 Column Income Statement

Added option to enable a page break above "Expenses" heading and above the "Other income" heading. Right mouse click and select "Page break above" to switch the page break on and off.



Added support for gross profit % information for CY/PY total column only to the right of Gross profit description.


K1 Description of Business Note

Updated selections of Corporate Acts for Not-for-profit and For-profit corporations. The default act is now selected automatically based on the province selected in the engagement properties.




KV Capital Lease, KG Callable Debt, K9 Loans and Notes Receivable, K5 Long Term Debt Notes

In the note linked to the JI working paper: Increased the number of loans that can be linked from the working paper to the note from 69 to 100.




Jazzit has released an update on November 26, 2014 for the CPA Audit Checklists for the August 2014 CPEM revisions. Administrators please click on the revision logs to see the changes:

Audit log:

If you require assistance in updating your Jazzit Checklists please click on the following link: Updating Jazzit

Hits: 22437