Public sector support in Jazzit Financial Statements

Jazzit’s 9 column financial statements include support for the Public Sector format. With a few quick steps, you will be ready to prepare and present financial statements in the Public sector format.

The following article will outline how to activate the Public sector format in the Jazzit financial statements.

Activate the 9 column statements

The 9 column financial statements will need to be activated as the Public sector format is only available in this format. Activate the 9 column financial statements by clicking on the “Click to switch to 9 Column with totals format” button located in the admin section of the home menu. If you are already using the 9 column financial statements, you can ignore this step.

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Next, click on the ‘Client profile’ tab, and select Public sector from the ‘Structure’ dropdown.

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Selecting Public sector from the above dropdown, will automatically switch the Engagement Report, Balance Sheet and Income Statement to the appropriate presentation, and activate the Statement of Changes in Net Financial Assets.

Engagement Reports

The engagement reports will automatically set their presentation to display as the ‘Canadian public sector accounting standards’ when Public sector is selected in the Home Menu

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Statement of Financial Position

The Statement of Financial Position will by default display in the unclassified layout with items such as Inventory, Prepaid Expenses, and Tangible Capital Assets moving to the Non-Financial Assets section.

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Statement of Operations

The Accumulated Surplus reconciliation appears at the bottom of the Statement of Operations (only if the Statement of Changes in Accumulated Surplus is not used).

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Statement of Accumulated Surplus (Deficit)

The Statement of Accumulated Surplus (Deficit) allows you to reconcile any differences you may have in the Accumulated Surplus account. This also provides the functionality for prior period adjustments.

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