Jazzit has released an update for Jazzit Fundamentals on October 30, 2014. Administrators please click on the link for the log of revisions: http://www.accountants-templates.com/members/content/download/Arialup/Date.pdf


Remember to check out our 9 Column Implementation Video!


Thanks to everyone who sent in their feedback to us. It's great to see you using the new format. The following updates are included in the October 30, 2014 Jazzit Fundamentals update:


KV Capital lease notes, KG Callable debt, K9 Loans and notes receivable

Added the unique lease ID to the loan selection popup cells in the note linked to JI working paper.


Marketable Securities working papers

Addition of totals to the units column for "Comparison of cost to market value ","Summary of disposals during the year" and "Specified foreign property summary (table FM1).



9 Column Income Statement

Added net assets statement format C. This will address situations where clients wish to use the 9 column financials set to CY/PY total with option to break out funds in the statement of net assets.