
Name / Address

Name / Address
Operating Name
1. Operating Name
The Operating Name field is the name of the client’s business that appears in the financial statements template.
2. Address
The address information transfers to areas in the letters where it is required.
Tax Jurisdiction
3. Tax Jurisdiction
Make sure the Tax Jurisdiction is set to Canada if you are exporting tax codes to TaxPrep or ProFile (information exported under Engagement > Export > Tax Software).
Tax codes only relate to TaxPrep / ProFile and are not related to the GIFI export.
Tax Vendor
4. Tax Vendor
Select the tax vendor you're using if applicable. Refer to Tax software export for more information.
The company name is displayed on the left side of your status bar at the bottom of your screen. The address is entered automatically into the letter templates.
Be sure to use mixed case in completing these fields. Do not use all caps or this format may transfer to areas in the templates where all capitals is not appropriate.
The letter templates include a link to Engagement Properties. Double-click on the client name and contact information to open the above dialog box within CaseView.